When I started writing this, I thought about how I would best describe 2022. In many ways, it’s been a challenging year, right on the back of two challenging years before it. But it’s also been a year of clarity, growth and fulfilment for me, both professionally and personally.
As I limp towards the finish line of 2022 (and I know I’m not the only one who feels like this), it feels more important than ever for me to stop and look back on the year. To really reflect on how far I have come this year, I need to go back a little further.
The last time I wrote a year in review was in 2020. It was the last blog I published. I wrapped that year up workwise in November to welcome my second child, who arrived less than 24 hours after I hit ‘post’ on that blog.
I spent the best part of 2021 focused on my family. I slowly dipped my toe back into work, and as I did, I realised that I wanted to feel more fulfilled by the work I was doing. I spent time considering who my ideal client was, what type of work I want to be doing and where I want my business to go.
I decided to niche in copywriting for the charity and not-for-profit sector early this year. I spent six years of my career prior to freelancing in NFP and really felt drawn to make that the focus of my business. I wanted to know that the work I was doing – what I was contributing my skills and experience to – was worthwhile and helping to change lives in some small way.
I updated my website and LinkedIn profile to reflect my specialty and was approached by some amazing organisations to work with them this year. Across the year I worked with six charities or NFP organisations, including a great organisation that I provide general communications support to on an ongoing basis.
Here’s what my year in 2022 looked like in numbers:
Donation appeal letters
Annual reports
Impact report
Content articles/blogs
Magazine articles
Content style guides
Company profile
This year, I stepped outside my comfort zone and delivered a Writing for the Web guide and workshop for a large charity’s nation-wide marketing and communication staff. I have a lot of training and experience in this area, but as a writer, presenting to an audience isn’t my usual cup of tea. I’m proud of myself for pushing beyond the doubt and impostor syndrome to deliver this for my client, and the feedback suggests I did an alright job. Here’s what they said:
“Thanks Kylie – the feedback was really positive, with several people saying how helpful it was. Personally, I thought you presented incredibly well – you have a lovely manner, and you contextualised your content really well. Thank you so much for assisting us!”
One of my highlights of this year – and my freelance career so far – was working with Camp Quality to write their Christmas appeal campaign letter. Camp Quality is a charity that has been on my client bucket list for some time, because it’s close to my heart; my husband benefited from Camp Quality’s amazing camps as a child. I feel honoured to have been able to write the heart-wrenching story of little Theo, in the hope that people will donate to help more families enjoy some quality time together.
Making a difference in the lives of others is what my clients all have in common. I have found that focusing on this through my work has given me the sense of fulfillment that I was looking for in my work.
This year, as my business has grown, I have enjoyed showing up to work and producing quality copy for my amazing clients. I thank every one of them for trusting me with their stories and look forward to continuing to grow with them next year.
Bring on 2023!